Friday, February 13, 2009

Starting Weight: 340 lbs

Current weight: 304



Money pledged per pound - $43.98
Flat Donations Made - $400

1. Jennifer Dow pledged $1 per pound 2/16/09
2. Katie Sur pledged $2 per pound 2/16/09
3. Melanie Levy pledged $.23 per pound 2/17/09
4. Ron and Alberta Sur pledged $5 per pound
2/17/09 (Liz Army)
5. Jaime Cuff Filler pledged $1 per pound 2/17/09
6. Keith Johns pledged $1 per pound 2/17/09
7. Jaycen Mckissick pledged $1 per pound 2/17/09
8. Courtney Foster pledged $3 per pound 2/19/09
9. Andy Pohl pledged $1 per pound 2/19/09
10. Robert Levy pledged $1 per pound 2/20/09 (Liz Army)
11. Susan, Chad, and Ben McDonald pledged $1 per pound 2/20/09
12. Stephanie, Calvin, Kiana, and Brielle Franklin pledged $1 per pound 2/20/09 (Liz Army)
13. Michael Houghton pledged $4 per pound (up to 50 lbs) 2/20/09
14. Roy and Margaret McKecher pledged a flat $100 donation (Liz Army)
15. Petra, John, and Skylar Fasana pledged $.50 per pound 2/21/09
16. pledged $2 per pound 2/23/09
17. Tracy Barreiro pledged $2 per pound 2/23/09 ($1 per for Liz Army)
18. Alvin Liuson pledged $1 per pound 2/23/09
19. Heather Balchus pledged $2 per pound 2/24/09 (Liz Army)
20. Salena Chiang pledged $1 per pound 2/26/09
21. Amy, Nesib, and Lukas Shamah pledged $10 per pound 2/26/09
22. TJoan and Karen pledged a flat $100 donation (Liz Army) 2/28/09
23. Jason and Abby pledged $1 per pound on 3/3/09 (Liz Army)
24. Selena Latch and Matt Kearney pledged $1 per pound 3/11/09 (Liz Army)
25. Stuart Minchington and Liz Palumbo pledged $1 per pound 3/12/09
26. Patty and Dee Sholberg pledged a flat donation of $100 3/17/09 (Liz Army)
27. Auntie Keala pledged a flat donation of $100 4/09/09 (Liz Army)
28. Charlotte Thistle pledge $.25 per pound on 6/13/09

Dear Family, Friends, and Acquaintances,

My name is Kevin Sur and I have embarked on a mission to raise money to fight Brain Cancer. In the last 4 years, I have lost both my father in law, Frank Palumbo, and one of my best friends, Logan Whitehurst, to Brain Cancer. In the last year another one of my dearest friends, Liz Beidelman, has been diagnosed with Brain Cancer and is currently fighting the disease with the greatest amount of courage and positivity that I have ever seen.

Witnessing three different people in perfect health getting diagnosed with a life threatening disease has made me take my own health into account. It has also made me feel selfish for being obese throughout my life as I've knowingly been putting my own health at risk all while those close to me, who have been taking great care of themselves, fall victim to getting dealt an unlucky card.

I've always been someone who stood up and fought for my friends no matter what the circumstances. So in order to find a way that I can fight for my friends that have passed, but more importantly for my dear friend who is currently in her own fight, I've decided that I would lose weight, get healthy, and do it in a way that let's me use my own personal struggle as a means to fight Liz's struggle as well. I can't think of better motivation for myself than to have every pound I lose be important not only to my own health, but go towards a cause that is close to my heart, and to help a dear friend that means the world to me.

The Plan

The Plan is Simple. For the next year I will begin my own journey into losing weight and getting healthy. What I am asking of all of you is to pledge an amount that you would like to donate to either the National Brain Tumor Foundation or the Liz Army Fund for every pound I lose between now and February 28th, 2010. So if you donate 1 dollar a pound, and I lose 50 pounds, I'll be sending you an invoice to make good on your pledge and give $50 to either the National Brain Tumor Foundation (which would be tax deductible), or to the Liz Army Fund (not tax deductible, but comes with dimples). The Liz Army Fund is a fund that has been created to help my dear friend who I mentioned above, Liz Beidelman, with her substantial medical costs as well as to help with her day to day expenses as she is unable to work in her condition.

To Make a Pledge, simply email me @

and tell me how much you would like to pledge for each pound I lose. You can also make a flat donation if you'd rather.
I will list the names of the donors here, if you'd like make your donation anonymous, please say so.

I'm currently working with the NBTF to set up a page where you can make payments for flat donations and to make your pledge payments at the end of my Fatathon. Once my Fatathon is finished your invoices will direct you to make payments directly to the cause of your choice: The National Brain Tumor Foundation (
donations are tax decutable)* or the Liz Army Fund (not tax deductible)*

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